Tuesday 26 April 2011

Why Evangelicals Hate Jesus

"Jesus unambiguously preached mercy and forgiveness. These are supposed to be cardinal virtues of the Christian faith. And yet Evangelicals are the most supportive of the death penalty, draconian sentencing, punitive punishment over rehabilitation, and the governmental use of torture. Jesus exhorted humans to be loving, peaceful, and non-violent. And yet Evangelicals are the group of Americans most supportive of easy-access weaponry, little-to-no regulation of handgun and semi-automatic gun ownership, not to mention the violent military invasion of various countries around the world. Jesus was very clear that the pursuit of wealth was inimical to the Kingdom of God, that the rich are to be condemned, and that to be a follower of Him means to give one’s money to the poor. And yet Evangelicals are the most supportive of corporate greed and capitalistic excess, and they are the most opposed to institutional help for the nation’s poor — especially poor children. They hate anything that smacks of “socialism,” even though that is essentially what their Savior preached. They despise food stamp programs, subsidies for schools, hospitals, job training — anything that might dare to help out those in need. Even though helping out those in need was exactly what Jesus urged humans to do. In short, Evangelicals are that segment of America which is the most pro-militaristic, pro-gun, and pro-corporate, while simultaneously claiming to be most ardent lovers of the Prince of Peace."

Extract from an article by Phil Zuckerman on RELIGIOUSINTELLIGENCE.COM


  1. I could have written that.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zr0RgqxadTI
    OMG (<--LOL verbal irony) like minute 4 and 5.

    Don't be corrupting the children. Fricken bastards.

  3. Ta Maddy. Will have a look :)

  4. Oh, you already posted the Jesus camp one. Srry.

    At least you get to hear some speaking in tongues.

  5. One the problems of religious fanatics: they have little if any religious education.

  6. LOL. Zuckerman's post was badly written and even more badly informed.

  7. Zuckerman appears to be informed by the results of a poll. He seems to get his ideas across pretty well.
