Monday, 21 May 2012

41% of UK don't think God made the Universe

From New Humanist Magazine:-

A press release reaches us from Premier Christian Radio with the headline "UK's belief that God created the Universe at an all-time low". It reports the findings of a study conducted by ComRes for PCR (2054 were polled online across the UK in April), ahead of the conference , called "Unbelievable 2012" PCR are holding in London on May 26 at which "academics and scientists" from the US and UK will be arguing that contemporary cosmology indicates that God created the world.

The headline findings of the survey are that only 26% believe that God created the world, 41% said they didn't believe this and 23% didn't know or didn't want to say. In what the press release describes as a "strange twist" fully 25% of those who identified as "Christian" did not believe that God was the cause of the Universe.

So, why would a Christian outfit be trumpeting numbers which show that the idea of a God-created universe is in decline, even amongst their own gang? Read on . . . 

41% of UK don't think God made the Universe - highest ever


  1. Good news... Excuse the pun.

  2. I am saddened and shocked that this is only 41%. Clearly science education is still very poor in the UK. After taking national curriculum science then you have to be really stupid not to conclude a creationist god is the even a possibility.
